
先週の火曜日、プレWSD@KECF!イベントをオンラインで開くことができました!「ためになる!かもしれない?おもしろお国クイズ〜」や、世界宣教委員会からWorld Student Day (WSD)についての紹介プレゼン、そして最後に祈祷会&おやつ交わりタイムと、盛りだくさんのタイムテーブルでした(笑)


[Gratitude post]
Last Tuesday, we were able to host an online “Pre-WSD@KECF!” event! It was a busy time table with country/culture pop quizzes, a presentation from KGK Sesen about World Student Day (WSD), as well as a prayer meeting & snack fellowship in the end =D
Thank you everyone who participated!
The fellowship was an important reminder to us of just how important it is to continue praying for the spread of the Gospel.

The official WSD will be coming up on 10/22 (Sat.)! Looking forward to gathering again to think and pray about world missions together.

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