Hi all, I am the deputy representative of KECF, I’m a 5th year in the faculty of medicine. I really congratulate everyone on entering Keio University! Here I will introduce you to KECF. But before that… Let me announce our welcome party:
4/4(土) 11:00〜花見
春といえば、桜! 桜といえば、お花見ですね!一緒に春を満喫し楽しみましょう。是非KECFの新歓におこしください!集合は11:00に独立館D309教室です!
KECF Welcome Party Apr.4th (Sat) 11:00〜!
Spring has finally come… We are holding a “hanami” (cherry-blossom viewing) welcome party in Apr. 4th. Feel free to come and let’s enjoy the beautiful sakura! We will serve you free food and beverages. Come over to Fourth Building Independence Wing D309 classroom at 11:00!
KECF(Keio Evangelical Christian Fellowship)は聖書研究を活動の中心としている団体です!聖書を読んで学び、さらには聖書が今、何を語りかけているのかを自由に語り合っています。
Our core activity is holding bible studies inside the campus. We learn from the scripture, and freely discuss what truth the Bible is disclosing to us today.
Although KECF was established as an evangelical circle, all is welcome! There used to be a Catholic student in our member a couple years ago. Freshman, non-freshman undergraduates, graduate students, and exchange students… any Keio students are welcome.
週に1~2回、聖書研究を日吉キャンパスと三田キャンパスで行なっています。SFCと信濃町でも不定期に聖書研究をしています。月に一度ALL KEIOという集会も開いて、全キャンパスのメンバーが共に聖書を学んだり、12月にはクリスマスパーティをします。夏と春には合宿もやっています。また、聖書研究以外の活動もしています!祈り会を真剣にやっているグループもありますし、ボランティア活動にも行こうという者もいます。
We hold weekly bible study meetings in Hiyoshi and Mita, and sometimes in SFC and Shinanomachi. Once a month, we hold a fellowship called the ALL KEIO, where all the members from all the campuses gather. There is a Christmas party in December. We go on camps in the summer and spring. We also have a variety of activities! Hiyoshi campus has daily prayer meetings, and there are members who are hoping to reach outside and do practical services in the city this year.
KECF has members of a diversity of backgrounds! We often plan events and hang out, and cultivate a community of friendship. If you have any interest, feel free to come or contact us to our e-mail: kecf.info@gmail.com. We will update further information in this website!
Lastly, I will post our basic information and classroom briefings schedule below. We are looking forward to meet you, and hope that you find God through KECF!
基本情報 Basic Information
Keio Evangelical Christian Fellowship(福音キリスト者学生会)
梅津光弘 (商学部 准教授)
======◆教室説明会 Classroom Briefings◆====================
日吉キャンパス Hiyoshi Campus
○ 4/2(木) 第3校舎 309 14:00〜15:00
Third Building 309 14:00〜15:00
○ 4/3(金) 第4校舎独立館 D405 14:00〜15:00
Fourth Building Independence Wing D405 14:00~15:00
○ 4/4(土) 第4校舎独立館 D309 10:00〜11:00
Fourth Building Independence Wing D309 10:00~11:00
○ 4/6(月) 第4校舎A棟 J435A 13:00〜14:00
Fourth Building, Section A
SFC Shonan Fujisawa Campus
○ 4/2(木) ε15 18:10〜21:20
○ 4/3(金) ε15 18:10〜21:20
○ 4/6(月) ε15 13:00〜16:15